Mark McMorris
Posted in 2016-2017 Readings and Talks

February 7, 2017
Seminar 5:30 PM in Lannan Center (New North 408)
Reading 8:00 PM in Copley Formal Lounge
Practical Green Table
–Mark McMorris
I thought to write an elegy
as reply to your questions
to pitch the word as far forward
like a dolphin out of the sea
over a threshold, to behold
the land as practical and green
as this table, a space to write
and walk into like a kitchen
hearing the conjuct vowels
what does a reader suppose
if not the promise of a text
the ultimate form at the end
of a chain of forms infinite
summed to a singular value
the elegy as a place to begin.
From The Book of Landings (Wesleyan University Press, 2016)
Read more about Mark McMorris