Erica Hunt

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Erica Hunt

Language poet and organizer Erica Hunt earned her BA from San Francisco State University and her PhD from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and worked as a mathematician at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. During the 1980s, while living in New York, Hunt was a member of the Segue Foundation board, which funded arts and literature programs. She has published three volumes of poetry.

There’s living done

This morning I was well in love
making and fluctuating this side of
Remote: here. Over and over
I moved him closer into my arms
Him. Till sleep still ensorcels
Him and stillness leans
on my breasts. Nothing to puncture this
wide awake moment.
Nothing downstairs or upstairs
Nothing I owe
no shrines to pine at
but a given art
pauses thought’s caught thread.

In the well of this morning’s
making Here over, I step back
towards the opening. I think
Here. That’s him sliding back against me
where we rub edges and coincidentally meet.
He steeps remote steep
slippery sides and still
breasts retain echo. I throw the door
open and step back
wide awake into the fluctuating
think I have thought this here before
but that was sewing without thread.
Now I take each part,
take both sides,
lurching onward with the pin.



Reading with Charles Bernstein | October 17, 2002
Oppositionality as Social Value